Tracey is Head of Inclusive Learning here at EKC Sheppey College and has many years of experience in education. Previously one of our students, we spoke to Tracey about her journey and how she can help you succeed in College.
How did you become part of EKC Sheppey College?
I’ve had quite an interesting journey here into my current role. I used to be a student here at EKC Sheppey College studying Business. I volunteered here for a bit after my course as a Learning Support Assistant in a Level 3 Business class and after my volunteering I applied to become a Business Tutor. At one point afterwards I was asked to cover some Maths lessons and I really enjoyed teaching this area, leading to following my new-found passion and becoming a full-time Maths tutor. I am now the Head of Inclusive Learning for the College, ensuring that every student is looked after.
How has volunteering impacted you?
Volunteering definitely helped me get to where I am today. During my time as a volunteer I really developed my skills such as interacting with staff and students. I learnt how to understood the students’ different needs and was able to develop my own teaching strategies which I still use today.
What do you like about EKC Sheppey College?
I really enjoy the community feel of this college so you’re able to get to know everyone, both staff and students. We have great engagement with our local community and as part of our social action we really enjoy as a College going out and making a difference.
What’s been your best achievement here?
I’ve had lots of opportunities at EKC Sheppey College, but my best achievement every year is seeing the students really turn around their perspective on Maths. Some of them haven’t liked it before or haven’t had a good experience with learning, so to see them pass and succeed and really see the impact their new grades have on them is such a joy.
Speaking of Maths, what makes Functional Skills Maths different?
Functional Skills Maths is quite unique as we can put students in for exams throughout the year, unlike GCSE which is at the end of the academic year. We are really able to get to know our students, find out their strengths and weaknesses and identify gaps in their existing knowledge. We can then focus on those gaps and get them to sit an exam as soon as they are ready.
We also have much smaller classes than you may have had in School, as well as 1-1 support and achievement tutors. These tutors can help you with your gaps and give you the support you need to get ready for your exams.
How has this term gone so far?
This term I’ve been helping our learners to settle in, and to overcome lots of anxiety regarding Maths. Lots of students find this really difficult and it can be a barrier to their learning, so we help them build their skills. We work with them to help build their confidence and so far they are enjoying the challenges the course provides.